Х-ray fluorescence analysis of peat for the presence of light and heavy elements in biofuel

Время чтения: 2 мин
Х-ray fluorescence analysis of peat for the presence of light and heavy elements in biofuel
Х-ray fluorescence analysis

In Russia peat fuel production has great difficulties because of out-of-date equipment, and also a high level of quality and ecological risks. Х-ray fluorescence analysis helps definition dangerous elements.


At extrusive processing chosen by us for the analysis the processed material is exposed to intensive termal, waterand mechanical influence which leads to various changes in its components [1].

Materials & Methods

The structure for the formation of peat was analysed on the example of peat pellets using a microscope ZEISS-Axiolab (clearance 4,724 mm),figures 1-4. Investigated raw materials – the field №2, Tver region. Then the prepared sample initial mass of 39.8 g was hot at a temperature of 900ºС for 8 hours. After calcination, the samples were subjected to x-ray fluorescence analysis. The results are presented in figures 1a-4a.

Results And Discussion

The analysis of graphs shows that for light elements in samples 1 and 2 contained mainly K, P, CA, Cl and Si. The average elements in samples 1 and 2 are Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn and Sr. There are very heavy element Sr.

Therefore, to download in the bunker and in the production of biofuels it is necessary more carefully to analyze raw materials to reduce environmental risk during the subsequent combustion of the finished fuel [2].

Autor: Epifancev K.V., Nikulin A.N. b
St. Petersburg State Mining University

Abstract: In Russia peat fuel production has great difficulties because of out-of-date equipment, and also a high level of quality and ecological risks. Х-ray fluorescence analysis helps definition dangerous elements.

Key words: analysis of raw materials extracted, forming peat fuel, quality of fuel

Corresponding author: Assistant Epifancev K.V.
Department management of quality, St. Petersburg State Mining University
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Tel.: + 7963 3437759


  1. K. Epifancev, А. Nikulin, S. Kovshov., Modeling of peat mass process formation based on 3D analysis of the screw machine by the code YADE \ American Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 3, 73-75
  2. K. Epifancev, А. Nikulin ., The research of possibility to use the machine for biofuel production as a mobile device for poultry farm waste recycling \ Life Science Journal, 2014; 11(4) Pp. 464-467
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